Born in 1977, in Israel, Mother of 2.
Education: 1st and 2nd degree in Law.
Military background:
Served as the first woman in the special security unit in the air force as Security Dog training Instructor.
Martial arts background:
Black belt in Shotokan Karate, trained with the National Israeli team (Wingate institute).
European champion.
Graduated martial arts instructor course.
Krav Maga background:
For the last 15 year trained Krav Maga, was an owner of Krav Maga training center in the Netherlands and is specialized and certified to train both civilian and tactical sectors:
Civilian Sector:
– Civilians
– Women
– Kids
– Adaptive
Tactical Sector:
– Security (armed and unarmed)
– Law Enforcement (police)
– VIP (bodyguard)
– Military (general)
Nowadays Rotem is working as head of military division at ‘Dany Hi’ training facilities in Israel, providing Krav Maga lessons and tactical shooting trainings for all military units.